Tuesday 12 November 2019

3 d printer information HERE

Language Arts:
Choose an article to read from the newspaper online-
Answer at least five of the following questions:
1-    Who is the story about / who does it affect?
2-    Where is it happening?(be specific – don’t just say “Powell River”)
3-    What is the problem?/What is happening?
4-    Why is it happening?/ how did it happen?
5-    When is it happening?
6-    How long will it go on for?/ How  long has it been going on for?
7-    How long has it been happening?

Monday 28 October 2019

Canada Provinces Research HERE

Canada Prime Ministers for kids HERE

History of Prime Ministers HERE

Monday 7 October 2019

Read Pages 8-17 in science textbookWrite 3-5 questions in your book that you have or that you see in the book.

Homework- practice 2 and 3 times tables- quiz tomorrow

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Election Federal Leaders HERE

North Island /Powell River Leaders HERE

Government Responsibilities game HERE

Thursday 6 June 2019

Monday 27 May 2019

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Journal :

Which organization did you choose to support and why?
What do they do? Who do they Help?
Where do they work?
Credit Card Information HERE

Thursday 7 March 2019

Social Studies Comment:
Social Studies  

In Social Studies this term we have been exploring local and global poverty and how we can achieve a more equal work for everyone.  

 One of the activities we have done that highlights my thinking and learning is  

 because it made me think more about 

This is important because 

Monday 4 March 2019

Term 2 Health- Comment for smoking mind map-

I put ________________ with _____________________ and ___________________ because…
Smoking cigarettes is like _____________________________(simile) because…____________

(use the other vocabulary words)

Term 2 PE- Avid Comment: (choose 2)
What did you like about Avid? How did you challenge yourself? What would you like to try when you are older?

Term 2 Art Comment:
Write two sentences  1) Explain what you made. 2) Use vocabulary to explain how you made it.

Term 2 Core Competencies    Habits Check Comment:

I am especially proud of...

 Two things that I plan to improve on next term are...

 Two ways for my parents/guardians  to help me with my learning are...

Monday 28 January 2019

Microbit Hacker projects HERE

Digestive system mind map- I put _____________ and ______________ with  _____________
Because________________________. Their job is to ______________________ after/before_____________________

Example: I put Salivary amylase and enzymes with mouth because enzymes are in your mouth from saliva.  Their job is to break down starches before the food goes to the stomach.

Thursday 24 January 2019

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Digestive System on Brainpop- choose Structure Map on Templates HERE
User Name- piefamily
Password- piestudent