Thursday 7 March 2019

Social Studies Comment:
Social Studies  

In Social Studies this term we have been exploring local and global poverty and how we can achieve a more equal work for everyone.  

 One of the activities we have done that highlights my thinking and learning is  

 because it made me think more about 

This is important because 

Monday 4 March 2019

Term 2 Health- Comment for smoking mind map-

I put ________________ with _____________________ and ___________________ because…
Smoking cigarettes is like _____________________________(simile) because…____________

(use the other vocabulary words)

Term 2 PE- Avid Comment: (choose 2)
What did you like about Avid? How did you challenge yourself? What would you like to try when you are older?

Term 2 Art Comment:
Write two sentences  1) Explain what you made. 2) Use vocabulary to explain how you made it.

Term 2 Core Competencies    Habits Check Comment:

I am especially proud of...

 Two things that I plan to improve on next term are...

 Two ways for my parents/guardians  to help me with my learning are...