Thursday 30 April 2020

Thursday- Draw an alien!


-Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day 

at 9:30 am and 1:00 pm

-  Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

1- Draw an alien- have pencil and paper ready.  HERE
2- Answer these questions about your graph (To put on blog post):
- what is the range? (highest score - lowest score)
- what is the Title of your graph?
- what is the best scale for the information?

3- Solar System Activity-Choose    A: Crossword (below) Video HERE   Game HERE
                                                       B: Space Exploration Cards HERE  
  1. Spread the cards on a table with the event side up and try to put the events in order. 2. Flip the cards over to see the real order of events. 


  • Which of the events in the game do you think must have happened first?
  • Which event has happened within very recent history?
  • Have you heard about any of these events?
  • Who would have been sent to space first, fruit flies or a dog?
  • Which of these events are very famous? 
  • Is it more difficult to conduct a flyby mission or a probe mission? Which would have happened first?

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Wednesday- Make 2 graphs from home information

-Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day 

at 9:30 am and 1:00 pm

-  Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

1- Review homework from yesterday- music and math

2- Art assignment- invent an alien or robot- Be creative- Draw, paint, colour or make a model of an alien or robot from your choice of materials (clay, lego...)

3- Make a graph from your data you collected from your home (counting books, dishes etc) use two different scales for the side numbers (y-axis)

4-   Kahoot- music genres

Book Club with Ms Adam today at 12:00 on Zoom Link: HERE

Monday 27 April 2020

Tuesday- Music Scavenger Hunt and Kahoot

-Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am and 1:00 pm

-  Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE 

1- Mark Graph page From Yesterday
2- Share Sci Fi Stories in Breakout Groups
3- Kahoot- music / trees
4- Homework- Music Scavenger hunt / Line Graph page:

Monday- Bar Graphing at Home

-Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am and 1:00 pm
-  Daily class meeting at 10:00 am
-  Zoom Link HERE 

Today you will need your Plickers card: 

1- Make sure you have commented on at least 2 posts on your portfolio

2- Reading a bar graph worksheet:(below)

3- Make 3  Bar graphs from something at home.

4- Send in the  rough copy of your Science Fiction Story 

Friday 24 April 2020

Friday- Bar Graph

-Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at       9:30 am and 1:00 pm
-  Daily class meeting at 10:00 am
-  Zoom Link HERE 

- Choose an instrument for Monday- sign out form HERE

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Thursday- sci fi spelling

-Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at       9:30 am and 1:00 pm
-  Daily class meeting at 10:00 am
-  Zoom Link HERE 

-Math Game- penguin jump multiplication  HERE

1) Comment on 2 blog posts- what did I like? what have I learned? How can I do better?
2) Science Fiction stories- send rough copy to Mr E by Monday
3) Math- Jumpmath homework for Friday:
Grade 5- 5.1 page 140-141
Grade 6- 6.1  page 43-45
Spelling Test on Friday:

Wednesday- Start Jump math and study sci fi spelling

Zoom 10:00 Link HERE

Have your Jump math books and student work packages with you this morning

If you would like to borrow a Guitar, Ukulele or Melodica:
Musical instrument borrowing - fill out form HERE
If you would like a recorder, contact Mr Elliott

Jumpmath homework for Friday:
Grade 5- 5.1 page 140-141
Grade 6- 6.1  page 43-45

Monday 20 April 2020

Tuesday- Sci-fi Spelling Words

10:00 Zoom Link HERE

Math Racing game HERE

Send me 5 science fiction words for a spelling test on Friday

Sunday 19 April 2020

Monday- Robots and Space Ships Oh my!

Zoom Link HERE

Plickers – Online Tools for Teaching & LearningYou will need your plickers card today for math and Language arts.

This week, we are going to write science fiction Stories and draw robots and space ships as we learn about the solar system.

Wallpaper : 1920x1080 px, movies, Pixar Animation Studios, robot ...
Homework- Start planning your science fiction story.

Reading - Read chapter 1 of 'Adam Wreck' on Tumblebooks:
username- tumble735
password- books

Pick up supplies from School today 12:30-2:30

Friday 17 April 2020


New Zoom link HERE

Today, we did a mind-map on science fiction from yesterday's video- what do you think is missing? Next week, we will be reading and writing science fiction stories.

I will be posting all of your work on the portfolios this weekend- Next week,  you need to do a comment on each post for what you  liked,  what you could improve on and what you have gotten better at when working at home.  

Thursday 16 April 2020

Thursday- Planets and Sci-Fi

New Zoom link HERE  Password- 146387

Watch this video about science fiction: HERE

We will be writing science fiction stories next week.

Planet chart answers:

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Wednesday- Solar System Chart and Math Games

We will play these Math Games HERE

For Homework, watch this Solar System Video HERE

We will fill in this chart tomorrow:

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Tuesday- Plickers and Minecraft Education

1) I will collect spelling marks today

2) You need your Plickers card today

3) Have your reading log and activity log with you.

4) We will try Minecraft at 11:00  HERE

Thursday 9 April 2020

Easter Weekend Activities


Please send me your two best writing activities from this week- remember: capitals, punctuation, adjectives.

Pencil writing text on paper icon Royalty Free Vector Image

Over the long weekend:
1-  Print out your plickers card from the following file (its the same as your cubby/computer number)

Ideas: Hot (734 ideas) – Plickers Feedback

2-  Make your musical instrument - see the links from yesterday's blog post.

3- Install Minecraft EDU on your device- use your school computer login number and ID to play.
Minecraft HD Icon - Mac + PC by HunterKharon on DeviantArt

 ****Fridays Zoom session is optional - we will be doing fun activites- dance routine, scavenger hunt, kahoot.****

Wednesday 8 April 2020

1) Spelling Test Thursday:             (Made by Sheamus)

2)  Solar System Fill in Chart - 

-Watch Solar System Video on Brainpop:   HERE

username- piefamily  password-piestudent

  Print this page or make your own and we will fill it in together next Wednesday on Zoom

3) Project for this weekend:
Make an instrument- Here are some ideas or make your own to share on Tuesday


Ms Skidmore kazoo HERE
Ms Westland Mason Jar Music  HERE
Mr Carson Bull Roarer  HERE  and   HERE

Tuesday 7 April 2020