Tuesday 15 December 2020

Monday 7 December 2020

 Go To CK12 and login- username  div5 (your initials) ie- David Jones= div5dj- password- elliott5

 Click on START under Rock Cycle

Homework - due Wednesday:

Answer these questions- 

(If you can, copy and paste into a word document)

CK 12- Rock Cycle        Name:______________________________

1.   What are the three rock types?

2.   What happens to sedimentary rocks on Earth’s surface?

3.   What happens over time to make sediments into sedimentary rocks?

4.   How can you tell a sedimentary rock from another type?

5.   What happens to a sedimentary rock if you apply heat and pressure?

6.   How might this happen?

7.   How does an igneous rock form?

8.   What causes the structures of igneous rocks to be different?

9.   How can an igneous rock become a sedimentary rock? A metamorphic rock?


Thursday 3 December 2020

 Planners- Go to blog and play games on Money and Rock Cycle:

Rocky's  Rock Cycle HERE

Rock Cycle Diagram HERE

Cash Out Canada  HERE

 Money Game HERE 

Rocks and Crystals Video HERE

Wednesday 2 December 2020