Wednesday 24 June 2020

Wednesday- Scavenger hunt and kahoot

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

Invent a character activity
Person 1: Draw the head- name, describe their personality
Person 2: Draw the Body- What do they like and dislike? (two for each)
Person 3: Draw the feet- what do they do for a job and what do they do for fun?

Report Cards can be picked up on Thursday or Friday from 8:00 am- 3:00 pm

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Tuesday- Sharing and Math in Nature

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

Math in Nature HERE

Thursday 18 June 2020

Thursday- Math in Nature, Math Games, Kahoot

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

Math in Nature HERE

Math Fractions Game HERE

Kahoot- Toys and then winners choice

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Wednesday- math in Nature

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

Math in Nature Project

What kind of math can you find in nature? (angles, geometric shapes, counting, fractions...) 

What do plants have that are similar? Think of vegetables, flowers, branches, leaves...
 buds, fruit, seeds, spores, cones...

Choose one type of math and find 3 examples in nature. -

What to do:
1)     Find 3 plants that have the same thing (flower, leaves etc…) and measure/count that on each plant. Find out the math for each plant and record what you see.
2)     Draw the plant part or print pictures and label the kind of math that you are looking for.

Compare the similarities and differences between the three examples:
Are there similar designs between different plants?
Are there rules for  patterns?

Come up with a question that will be your next steps.

I will look at the number of leaves on plants.
I will count the leaves on 3 different plants that are the same height. A, B ,C
I will draw and label the plants.
I will compare the number of leaves between plant A 

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Tuesday- Sharing and Kahoot

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

Kahoot- Board Games / Mars

Project Sharing- Damien, Sheamus, Carter, Bryce

Monday 15 June 2020

Monday- Math Games and Sharing

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

Math Games HERE

Project Sharing- Damien, Sheamus, Carter, Bryce

Dance Project Update

Friday 12 June 2020

Friday - No Class Zoom Today

No Class Zoom at 10:00

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am  Zoom Link HERE

Work on Dance Project HERE

Go onto portfolio and see if you have any work missing:

1) Term 3 Social Studies:   My Prime Minister

2) Term 3 Reading- Reading Log, Story Map

3) Passion Project

4) Math:  Jump math pages, Home Graphing

5) Term 3 Science: Planets crossword, Science Fiction Story. Scie Fi spelling test

6) Art and Cooking: Music Bingo, Nature Art, Art from home- painting etc...

7) PE Activities: Activity Log, pictures of you being active- biking, hiking etc..

8) Term 3 Writing: Journal Writing, (at least 2 ), Daily Edit, Sentence Combining, 

9) Choice Board - These activities were posted on PE / Art / Writing

Thursday 11 June 2020

Thursday- Dance, $ and Kahoot

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

Today, you need to tell me what you are doing for your dance project: HERE

Power Point
Video compilation
Performance (on video)
Links to Videos

Wednesday 10 June 2020


Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Tuesday- Healthy Eating and Dance project Kahoot at 1:00

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

We will play Kahoot with the people in class at 1:00- 
Get a second device and come on Zoom with us to play. HERE

Monday 8 June 2020

Monday- Nature Art and Dance Project

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am 

Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

Nature Art:

Research Project on Dance HERE
      Types of Dance ­ A good place to begin.
      Arts alive  ­ An introduction to dance.
      Ehow History of Dance ­Many different dance styles are included in this site.
      History of dance video ­ Has a broad overview of the history of dance.
      Ethemes Resource list ­ Several links to great information.
      Dance Resources­History of Dancing ­ Many links that are sorted by dance names.
      Cybersleuth ­ A search website for students, topic: dance history.
      History World ­ History of dance: purposes, benefits, and other information.
      42explore ­ A website for students about dance history.
      Hula History ­ A website for Hula dance history, how to and more.

      The History Of Traditional Dance ­ Traditional or folk dance history.

Friday 5 June 2020

Friday- No Class Zoom Today

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am 

Make sure you send me this weeks math and Journal :

Journal Write:
Write about three things you are grateful for in your life and why you are grateful for them. Use adjectives and include emotions to describe how they make you feel.
I feel grateful for my sweet dog Sandi because she makes me feel loved and I like caring for her by taking her on long walks.

Grade 5- Jumpmath 5.1 page # 86,87,88
Grade 6- Jumpmath 6.1 pages73 74- estimating / rounding

Have a Great Weekend- Mr Elliott

Thursday 4 June 2020

Food Bingo- Kahoot at 1:00

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

We will play Kahoot with the people in class at 1:00- 
Get a second device and come on Zoom with us to play. HERE

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Wednesday- Who's Doing What Where?- Nutrients

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

What is a Calorie???
Food Label Videos:
1- Nutrition Labels  HERE
2- Party Food Gametime HERE
3- Are You Smarter Than a Food Label HERE

Mark Who's Doing What Where?

Join us for Kahoot with the class at 1:00 Thursday

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Drawing and Math- kahoot at 1:00

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

Drawing a Camper HERE

Math Pages this Week: 
Grade 5- Jumpmath 5.1 page # 86,87,88
Grade 6- Jumpmath 6.1 pages73 74- estimating / rounding

We will play Kahoot with the people in class at 1:00- 
Get a second device and come on Zoom with us to play. HERE
1- Canada
2- Book Genres- Sci-Fi, Mystery, Biography, Humour, Horror, Information, Fantasy, History, Graphic Novel

Journal Write:
Write about three things you are grateful for in your life and why you are grateful for them. Use adjectives and include emotions to describe how they make you feel.
I feel grateful for my sweet dog Sandi because she makes me feel loved and I like caring for her by taking her on long walks.

Next Week Journal:
What I collect...

Monday 1 June 2020

Monday- mark math and work for the week

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

You do not have to come on the Zoom meeting if you are coming to school in the afternoon.