Wednesday 17 June 2020

Wednesday- math in Nature

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

Math in Nature Project

What kind of math can you find in nature? (angles, geometric shapes, counting, fractions...) 

What do plants have that are similar? Think of vegetables, flowers, branches, leaves...
 buds, fruit, seeds, spores, cones...

Choose one type of math and find 3 examples in nature. -

What to do:
1)     Find 3 plants that have the same thing (flower, leaves etc…) and measure/count that on each plant. Find out the math for each plant and record what you see.
2)     Draw the plant part or print pictures and label the kind of math that you are looking for.

Compare the similarities and differences between the three examples:
Are there similar designs between different plants?
Are there rules for  patterns?

Come up with a question that will be your next steps.

I will look at the number of leaves on plants.
I will count the leaves on 3 different plants that are the same height. A, B ,C
I will draw and label the plants.
I will compare the number of leaves between plant A 

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