Tuesday 2 June 2020

Drawing and Math- kahoot at 1:00

Mr Elliott will be online for help with work each day at 9:30 am Daily class meeting at 10:00 am-  Zoom Link HERE

Drawing a Camper HERE

Math Pages this Week: 
Grade 5- Jumpmath 5.1 page # 86,87,88
Grade 6- Jumpmath 6.1 pages73 74- estimating / rounding

We will play Kahoot with the people in class at 1:00- 
Get a second device and come on Zoom with us to play. HERE
1- Canada
2- Book Genres- Sci-Fi, Mystery, Biography, Humour, Horror, Information, Fantasy, History, Graphic Novel

Journal Write:
Write about three things you are grateful for in your life and why you are grateful for them. Use adjectives and include emotions to describe how they make you feel.
I feel grateful for my sweet dog Sandi because she makes me feel loved and I like caring for her by taking her on long walks.

Next Week Journal:
What I collect...

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